I'm going through Crossway Bible's The One Year Bible: ESV. These are my thoughts and "wonderings" as I read through it.
Before I was given this book as a gift I struggled with how to be in the Word daily. All the various "read through the bible programs" required too much paperwork, divided up the bible awkwardly, or were poorly outlined.
With this book, however, the Bible is dividely up beautifully and logically, with no thoughts or passages cut in two unless there's a logical break.
Each day you read an Old Testament passage, a New Testament passage, a Psalm or portion of a Psalm, and a few verses from Proverbs. By the end of the year you will have read each Testament once through and the Psalms and Proverbs twice through.
If ESV is not your preferred version, the publisher (Crossway Bible) has "The One Year Bible" in several other translations* as well.
I highly recommend this book.
You can buy it here* (where I reviewed it*) or read it online*.
*Not an affiliate link